Saturday, May 14, 2011

Picnic in the park

Okay so it was not really a picnic but it was in the park and involved a blanket. :) It was such a lovely warm stormy (rare for Utah) day that I could not just sit inside. I had to get out and head to my favorite park in SLC. Memory Grove. And I do indeed have many fond memories there, so it was perfect.

I took a book and a blanket and headed out to go to the park. On my way I decided I wanted a little treat and stopped in at the Seven Eleven for a slurpee. Now before you judge, this was a day of memories and the first slurpee I had ever had was with my best friend and they kinda are good and perfect for a warm day.

When I got to the park I made a few wishes on some dandelion and spread out my blanket to and settled in to read. But then shortly after I was all ready it started to poor rain!

I love rain and I dont mind walking in it but I was a little disappointed that I had to head home and could not enjoy being outside.... better luck tomorrow?

We will see. :)



1 comment:

Lynette Elisabeth Sieger said...

<3 Memory Grove but for treat choice I would have selected Hatche's ice cream or chocolate but I understand doing things out of nostalgia like me and those cafe stands at the university