Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hot Cocoa Kind of Day

So today was a lovely day. Cold and pouring rain! I say lovely because I love the rain... cold I could do with out. But that being said, it was the perfect day for hot cocoa. I did my weekly shopping and then went to a cafe were I sat and worked all day on my business and drank hot coco. Not only did I get a lot done, I made myself go to a new area for my cafe work and discovered some great new places.

At about 5 pm I headed home and decided to cook myself some dinner as I watched my favorite show, Fringe.

And I must say, for all the great places to eat here, sometimes there is nothing better then a home cooked meal. :)

Happy Saturday!




Lynette Elisabeth Sieger said...

mmm, looks good :) for Fringe last night I made vegetable crisps (heirloom potato's, beets, etc) with melted cheese and a big green salad. It was delicious!

tsieger said...

So true about a home cooked meal, looks great and I LOVE that beer ;)